
Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters:

Fari, Nathalie S. (2024) Situated Agencies: Mediating Places through the Body. PhD Diss, Art Monitor Series, University of Gothenburg. This compilation thesis also includes the following publications:

  • Collaborative article: Ribeiro, Walmeri, Fari, S. Nathalie, Cezar Campos, Ruy and Baio, Cesar. (2021) “From Embodiment to Emplacement: Artistic Research in Insular Territories of the Guanabara Bay.” Global Performance Studies, vol. 4, no. 2. DOI:
  • Article: (2023) Performing whiledocumenting or how to enhance the narrative agency of a camera. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 14(1), 46–56. DOI:
  • Book Chapter: (2023) “Corpo e Imagem: Como capturar um momento performativo” (EN: Body and Image: How to capture a performative moment. In: Territórios Sensíveis: Práticas Artísticas no Antropoceno (EN: Sensitive Territories: Artistic Practices in the Anthropocene), edited by Walmeri Ribeiro. Editora Circuito: Rio de Janeiro

Fari, S. Nathalie. (2018) “Mapping the Teufelsberg or How to Embody History”. In Urban Appropriation Strategies: Exploring Space-making Practices in Contemporary European Cityscapes, edited by Flavia Alice Mameli, Franziska Polleter, Mathilda Rosengren, and Josefine Sarkez-Knudsen, pp. 52-60. Bielefeld: Transcript.  


Peer-reviewed video-articles:

Fari, S. Nathalie. (2020) “Notes from a zoom 5Rhythms® session”. In: Embodiment and Social Distancing, edited by Elisabeth de Roza, Nathalie S. Fari, Cara Hagan and Ben Spatz. Journal of Embodied Research, 3(2), 1. DOI: (Part of PhD thesis)

Fari, S. Nathalie. (2021) “Paquetás resting body or (re)tracing its documentary meaning”. Part of the article From Embodiment to Emplacement: Artistic Research in Insular Territories of the Guanabara BayGlobal Performance Studies, vol. 4, no. 2. DOI: (Part of PhD thesis)


Edited volumes:

Fari, S. Nathalie. (2024) “u m z i e h e n”. In: Mica Moca: a passionate relationship to reality, edited by Frederic Wake-Walke, Christophe Knoch and Christian Anslinger, pp. 50-51. Berlin: George Bailey.

Fari, S. Nathalie. (2016) “MEIN_RAUM”. In: Evocações da Arte Performática (2010-2013), edited by Paulo Aureliano da Mata, pp. 349-50. Jundiaí: Paco Editorial.

Fari, S. Nathalie. (2015) “MEIN_RAUM”. In: Mostra de Performance Arte, edited by Marcos Gallon, p. 226. São Paulo: Tijuana.

Fari, S. Nathalie. (2015) Embodied Places: Performance Practices in Public Space. Berlin: atelier obra viva. Contributors: Bettina Wagner, Dovrat Meron, Grasiela de Sousa, Lucio Agra, Michaela Muchina and Paula M. Hildebrandt. 

Fari, S. Nathalie and Treuheit, Klaus. (2011) “Wasser als Lebenselixier“. In: Alles Fließt, edited by Marianne Stüve, pp. 150-51. Nürnberg: Ponte Cultura e.V.